About Us

“Invest in the Maldives” is dedicated to attracting potential investors to invest in the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”, the Maldives.

Its managed by Silicom Pvt. Ltd, a registered trading company in the Maldives owned by highly educated, experienced and skilled individuals with areas of expertise in Business Consulting, Tourism Management, Real Estate, Project Management, Information Technology etc. 

We at “Invest in the Maldives” simply bridge the gap between potential investors and the government to get through all the strenuous legalities and get the Foreign Investments approved and Registered as per the Laws of the Maldives. 

We also play a key role in supporting the investors to establish their business, manage projects, and ensure they are well taken care off through out the project phase.  

In short, we provide personalized assistance at every stage of the investment process and paves the way for speedy commercial operations. 

Professional Consulting

We provide personalized assistance at every stage of the investment

Valuable Ideas

Providing information on the Maldives and potential areas of investments

Excellent Timing

A bespoke approach to customer service

Customized Investments

Variety of hotel suites and apartments for individual investors

The following are the main functions and services that are provided by us

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

